Software DevelopmentAs part of our commitment to design, create, and market the very best speech-enabled mobile and desktop apps available today, we have assembled and lead a crackerjack programming team. These experts manifest broad experience across the various modalities of mobile app design, programming, and marketing. Let us create custom speech-enabled mobile and/or desktop apps for you, or add speech recognition or text-to-speech to your existing apps, or just do you a bang-up new app based on your own needs and desires.
Please fill out the form below to send us a short description of your wish lists and/or design thoughts, so that we can begin a thoughtful dialogue about how Wesson Systems Inc. might help design and build an app for you. We will, of course, enter into a mutual NDA (see sample below) to insure that your concepts and proprietary ideas remain protected. Case Studies
Voice-Activated Cockpit for General Aviation
U. S. Government DOT Contract # DTRT57-06-C-10009 Abstract: The wealth of information available to the general aviation (GA) pilot has led to increased cockpit workloads which detract from the real-time situational awareness. As an addition to traditional (manual) systems control, speech recognition may offer more direct access to cockpit functions. In this research project, we designed and demonstrated a voice-activated cockpit (VAC) prototype. We 1) determined which GA cockpit functions can and should be voice-activated, 2) crafted a new BNF grammar for the chosen VAC functionality, 3) adapted an existing speech recognition demo system to VAC, 4) demonstrated and experimented with VAC using a flight simulator, and 5) designed, built, and flew a VAC in a real test aircraft. We achieved acceptable recognition performance and identified the next steps necessary to optimize and transform this prototype into a certifiable new product category for GA. Speech-to-Speech Translator Contract with Real Thing Entertainment for Multimedia Victoria, Australia Dr. Wesson was hired by Real Thing Entertainment Ltd., under contract by the Victorian Department of Justice in cooperation with Multimedia Victoria, for a feasibility study for a language translation device to be used in the Correctional Services environment. The device would enable the translation of questions and answers in guard/detainee interview situations, focusing initially on English-Arabic, English-Chinese and English-Vietnamese language combinations. The product would consist of a well-designed, production-quality software suite running on a suitably configured laptop computer. We also completed a preliminary market analysis and estimated it to be in excess of $1 billion, targeting Governments and Healthcare markets in Australia, the USA and the UK, and the rest of the world. Joint Strike Fighter Contract with Adacel, Inc. for Lockheed Martin Aero Lockheed Martin is the prime contract for the next generation fighter-jet known as the "Joint Strike Fighter" or JSF. Dr. Wesson helped design, develop, and deploy the voice-activated cockpit software for the JSF that runs on a microprocessor far less powerful that found in today's smartphones. |